速報APP / 醫療 / Microsoft HealthVault

Microsoft HealthVault



檔案大小:8.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Microsoft HealthVault(圖1)-速報App

Ever wish you could access medical information for yourself and your family right from your iPhone? Wouldn’t it be great if you could easily access your prescription history? Or quickly look up critical medical history and insurance information in an emergency? You can, using HealthVault for iPhone.

Microsoft HealthVault(圖2)-速報App

HealthVault for iPhone provides mobile access to the health information in your Microsoft HealthVault account. Track chronic conditions, diet, weight, and exercise. Enter health data on the go. Keep family health information such as allergies, medications, and immunizations handy wherever you are.

Microsoft HealthVault(圖3)-速報App

Microsoft HealthVault(圖4)-速報App

HealthVault is a privacy- and security-enhanced online service designed to put you in control of your health information. HealthVault helps you gather and store health information from various sources and share information with those you trust. For more information about what you can do with HealthVault, visit www.healthvault.com.

Microsoft HealthVault(圖5)-速報App
